What is the expected effect according to standards if I add a negative integer value to the element's z-index property?
I searched for the answer, but only found this:https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/z-index"Negative values ββto lower priority" mean nothing to me.
When 0 is the default z-index, an element with a negative z-index will be displayed in most elements, unless they have a lower z-index.
Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1612274/More articles:how to filter map value in hive array > - arraysWhy does my foreach loop automatically jump to the third value in the collection? - collectionsRun JS code in debug mode only - javascriptHow to sort a ResourceSet in C # - c #How to check if Chrome Dev tools are open? - javascriptListing and memory allocation - c #Custom keyboard name without scheme "KeyboardName - HostAppName" - iosaverage calculation in pandas excluding zeros - pythonCannot click an element using Phantomjs - javascriptwhat is the instance name omitted? - c #All Articles