UI Automation Error: UI Authentication Error - APP failed to complete within 30.0 s

Since the xCode update, I had a problem running any test ui example. This gives me this error when it is expected to be executed with a simple click:

 XCUIApplication *app = [[XCUIApplication alloc] init];
  XCUIElement *passwordSecureTextField = app.secureTextFields[@"Password"];
  [passwordSecureTextField tap];

Anyone have any ideas why I am getting this error? I searched on google and here, but did not find any solutions.


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5 answers

, . / , " quiesce" , .

, UIRefreshControl, , UIActivityIndicatorView .


" ". , , . .


- . , : Xcode .

: , Cmd + T - , " ".


" ", ( , -, XCTestRunner) , : - (


Anthony F . , - . , , "" ( ), , . , , .


Xcode, , .

, . , , , .

t =    16.95s     Tap "@go" Button
t =    16.95s         Wait for app to idle
t =    17.00s         Find the "@go" Button
t =    17.00s             Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for XXX
t =    17.09s             Find: Descendants matching type Button
t =    17.09s             Find: Elements matching predicate '"@go" IN identifiers'
t =    17.10s             Wait for app to idle
t =    17.15s         Synthesize event
t =    17.41s         Wait for app to idle

, . , , . , "", , .

t =    18.88s     Set device orientation to Unknown
t =    18.93s     Tap "@go" Button
t =    18.93s         Wait for app to idle
t =    79.00s             Assertion Failure: UI Testing Failure - App failed to quiesce within 60s

" quiesce", t = 18.90s -, UIProgressView. ( "quiesced" ).

("quiesce" as a word is not in my active dictionary, which, of course, delayed my understanding of what was going on. A console exit pushed me in the right direction. I would put more bells on "idle" than quiesce for many developers.)


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1612262/

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