I really hope someone helps me understand what the problem is ...
and especially if it's just me or all the mobile devices that use safari.
In less than a week, I realized that unexpectedly the property
align-items: center;
no longer worked exclusively on my iphone 5 (did not upgrade to version 9.x), but it worked on another new and more iphone on mac
I opened the topic, and I was asked to add the webkit prefix (I did, but I donโt understand why it worked, when it worked without the prefix, but now no ..)
How is it possible that "display: flex" and "align-items: center" no longer work on my iphone?
Now I find that the css3 transition does not work ... although I have the -webkit prefix!
-webkit-transition: transform 250ms ease out 0s; -webkit-transform: rotate (-180);
, Mac ....
? - ? ihpne ?
-webkit- , , CSS? (, , .)
, , . , , , . (Android? Windows Phone?) . Safari iOS - , Safari Mac.
, , - Chrome App Store. , , Safari Mobile .
, -webkit-: : CSS. , .
Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1612245/More articles:Rcpp and the default C ++ compiler are rUnable to control servos through 32-servo controller on Aurduino Duamilanove - arduinodownload rpivotTable in brilliant - rR with C / C ++ and openMP: how to make the file "Makevars" in the folder "mypackage / src /"? - cdynamic html injection doesn't seem to compile - angularjsRouting problem: this.context.router is not detected when trying to redirect - javascriptHow is it possible that "display: flex" and "align-items: center" no longer work on my iphone? - cssHow do you compare nullable int with int - equalityAngular hide title on scroll down, show when scroll up - javascriptQMetaEnum and strong typed enumeration - c ++All Articles