Why does setting the background of the layout with the ability to draw a figure cause a warning on Android Studio 1.4, which indicates that the background cannot be set to RelativeLayout?
Android Studio warning about invalid background:
Hand-drawn is shapeused as background:
Nothing to worry about. This is a problem with android studio, it usually shows a preview icon with the ability to draw, but in this case it cannot show a preview of the extracted XML and shows that there is an “error”
Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1612225/More articles:Spring Data Mongo - how to request field identifier @DBRef - javaEloquent first, where is the article - phpFilter array based on index array - javascriptCan we force jobs to run in the APScheduler job storage? - pythonBouncy Castle Sha3 неправильный выход? - javaRuby On Rails - Multiple Model Links - ruby | fooobar.comKassandra - What is a reasonable maximum number of tables? - databaseAutomatically save the interactive graph in R to the specified location as a .html file - rAngular2 do not load nested components - angularCode reuse (or not) in C ++ templates - c ++All Articles