I created a quad. I assigned this script to Quad, which contains an array of game objects:
public class ShapeGrid : MonoBehaviour {
public GameObject[] shapes;
void Start(){
GameObject[,] shapeGrid = new GameObject[3,3];
IEnumerator UpdateGrid(){
while (true) {
SetGrid ();
yield return new WaitForSeconds(2);
void SetGrid(){
int col = 3, row = 3;
for (int y = 0; y < row; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < col; x++) {
int shapeId = (int)Random.Range (0, 4.9999f);
GameObject shape = Instantiate (shapes[shapeId]);
Vector3 pos = shapes [shapeId].transform.position;
pos.x = (float)x*3;
pos.y = (float)y*3;
shapes [shapeId].transform.position = pos;
I cloned these game objects so that they appear in the grid as follows:
When the user clicks on an object, it should disappear. I made this script for every element in my Game Objects array:
public class ShapeBehavior : MonoBehaviour {
void Update(){
But what happens when I click on an object to destroy it, every clown of that object will be destroyed. I want to destroy only a specific clone, not all. How to do it?