Export JSON from Spark and enter R

I wrote some data from Spark to a JSON file, and I'm trying to import it into R.

I cannot import it using any traditional JSON packages in R:

bids <- fromJSON("win_rate_sample.json")

I get the following error:

Error in feed_push_parser(readBin(con, raw(), n), reset = TRUE) : 
 parse error: trailing garbage 
                 (right here) ------^

How can I get this file in R?

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1 answer

It turns out that Spark exports stream json files similar to those discussed in the following question: Error parsing a JSON file using the jsonlite package

The solution is to use the jsonlite streaming function:

json_file <- stream_in(file("win_rate_sample.json"))

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1612141/

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