I am using django-rest-framework for backend and angularjs for interface. I started writing e2e tests using a protractor and ran into the problem that after each test all changes to the database are saved. In django, each test is enclosed in a database transaction that rolls back at the end of the test. Is there a way to conclude every protractor test in a transaction? I know that I can use django live server, python-selenium and write tests in python, but then I lose the benefits of protractor.
Unfortunately, there is no universal solution to this problem.
, Protractor/ Node.js , . ORM sequelize.js . , Node.js, , , .
, , : Django REST API "" "" Protractor, / , REST API HTTP-, . :
Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1612118/More articles:How to set expiration when using Redis geoadd - redisКак стилизовать значки в React Native - react-nativeGulp VS2015.Net5 - asp.netСоздание свойства, заданного только определенным методом - enumsМожно ли сделать эту грамматику YACC однозначной? expr:...Google in the application Billing verification failed sometimes - android-payHow to split a string into duplicate characters in PHP? - stringAndroid Espresso: "Тест не найден", "Процесс разбился", - androidHow to find and break a string with repeated characters? - pythonHow to override CTRL + Y in python script? - pythonAll Articles