Creating a property specified only by a specific method

I am trying to make a balancing equation of a chemistry equation. To do this, I created the Element class:

class Element
    public elemEnum ElemType {get; set;}
    public double Amount {get; set;} // How many atoms of this type in the formula

* elemEnumis the enum of all chemical elements.

I would like setto ElemTypeparse the string to be enumerated, but since it setcan only accept values ​​of the same type as value, I decided to add a method:

public void SetElemType(string type)
    this.ElemType = (elemEnum)Enum.Parse(typeof(elemEnum), type);

Is there an option for a property to ElemTypebe set only using a method SetElemTypewithout the need to create privateand add a method GetElemType?

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class Element
    public ElemEnum ElemType {get; private set;}
    public double Amount {get; set;}

    public void SetElemType(string type)
        this.ElemType = (ElemEnum)Enum.Parse(typeof(ElemEnum), type);

, ElemType .


, private setter, readonly public getter, , :

class Element
   private elemEnum _elemType;

   public elemEnum ElemType { get { return _elemType; } }

   public void SetElemType(string type) 
      this._elemType = (elemEnum)Enum.Parse(typeof(elemEnum), type);

   public double Amount {get; } // How many atoms of this type in the formula

, private setter, ...

, (!) , , :

class MyElemSetter
    private readonly elemEnum elem;

    public MyElemSetter(elemEnum e, Action helperAction)
        MethodInfo callingMethodInfo = helperAction.Method;

        if (helperAction.Method.Name.Contains("<SetElemType>")) elem = e;

    public static implicit operator elemEnum(MyElemSetter e)
        return e.elem;

class Element
    private MyElemSetter _elemType;

    public elemEnum ElemType { get { return _elemType; } }

    public void SetElemType(string type)
        this._elemType = new MyElemSetter((elemEnum)Enum.Parse(typeof(elemEnum), type), () => { });

    public double Amount { get; set; } // How many atoms of this type in the formula

, , bool .

class Element
    private bool _elemCanBeSet = false;
    private elemNum _elemType;

    public elemEnum ElemType
        get { return _elemType; }
        set { if (_elemCanBeSet) _elemType = value; }

    public double Amount {get; set;} // How many atoms of this type in the formula

    public void SetElemType(string type)
        _elemCanBeSet = true;
        this.ElemType = (elemEnum)Enum.Parse(typeof(elemEnum), type);
        _elemCanBeSet = false;

This solution may confuse the developer using your class, because setting the property will have no effect. Betteruse a private setter for their task, as others claim. I just wanted to show an alternative approach.



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