Take a look at the objectify wiki . The Query Execution section contains examples of how to create basic queries.
Let's assume that your entity looks something like this:
public class Salary {
Ref<Employee> employee;
Long salaryId;
Date startDate;
Date endDate;
Long salaryCents;
, , :
ofy().load(Salary.class).filter("startDate >", start).filter("startDate <=", end).list();
datastore docs * 'you ,
ofy().load(Salary.class).filter("startDate >", start).filter("endDate <=", end).list();
, Java-.
( , ) , :
Iterable<Key<Salary>> keys = ofy().load(Salary.class).filter("startDate >", start).keys();
ofy().load(Salary.class).filter("salaryId IN", keys).filter("endDate <=", end).list();
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