Short version:
I would like to query the result of another query to select a more limited set of results. However, adding a where clause overwrites the first query, and does not work with the results, so I don't get the answers I need.
I have two models, checks and ticks. Checks has_many ticks.
The first query uses DISTINCT ON and collects all checks and all associated ticks, but returns only the last tick. I have a job as a scope in a model.
In my controller
def checklist
case params[:filter]
when "duebylastresult"
@checks = Check.mostrecenttickonly.duebylastresult
when "duebydate"
@checks = Check.mostrecenttickonly.duebydate
@checks = Check.mostrecenttickonly
In the model, the first area (working):
scope :mostrecenttickonly, -> {
.order(", ticks.created_at DESC")
.select("DISTINCT ON ( *").references(:ticks)
Creates the following SQL:
Parameters: {"filter"=>""}
"checks"."id" AS t0_r0,
"checks"."area" AS t0_r1, "checks"."frequency" AS t0_r2,
"checks"."showinadvance" AS t0_r3, "checks"."category" AS t0_r4,
"checks"."title" AS t0_r5, "checks"."description" AS t0_r6,
"checks"."created_at" AS t0_r7, "checks"."updated_at" AS t0_r8,
"ticks"."id" AS t1_r0, "ticks"."result" AS t1_r1,
"ticks"."comments" AS t1_r2, "ticks"."created_at" AS t1_r3,
"ticks"."updated_at" AS t1_r4, "ticks"."check_id" AS t1_r5
FROM "checks" LEFT OUTER JOIN "ticks"
ON "ticks"."check_id" = "checks"."id"
ORDER BY, ticks.created_at DESC
, , 3, :
scope :duebylastresult, -> { where("ticks.result >= 3") }
Parameters: {"filter"=>"duebylastresult"}
"checks"."id" AS t0_r0,
"checks"."area" AS t0_r1, "checks"."frequency" AS t0_r2,
"checks"."showinadvance" AS t0_r3, "checks"."category" AS t0_r4,
"checks"."title" AS t0_r5, "checks"."description" AS t0_r6,
"checks"."created_at" AS t0_r7, "checks"."updated_at" AS t0_r8,
"ticks"."id" AS t1_r0, "ticks"."result" AS t1_r1,
"ticks"."comments" AS t1_r2, "ticks"."created_at" AS t1_r3,
"ticks"."updated_at" AS t1_r4, "ticks"."check_id" AS t1_r5
FROM "checks" LEFT OUTER JOIN "ticks"
ON "ticks"."check_id" = "checks"."id"
WHERE (ticks.result >= 3)
ORDER BY, ticks.created_at DESC
, WHERE DISTINCT ON, " , = = 3", " " , >= 3 '.
, !
- , :
The Data:
Table Checks:
ID: 98 Title: Eire
ID: 99 Title: Land
Table Ticks:
ID: 1 CheckID: 98 Result:1 Date: Jan12
ID: 2 CheckID: 98 Result:5 Date: Feb12
ID: 3 CheckID: 98 Result:1 Date: Mar12
ID: 4 CheckID: 99 Result:4 Date: Apr12
First query returns the most recent result, like;
Check.ID: 98 Tick.ID: 3 Tick.Result: 1 Tick.Date: Mar12
Check.ID: 99 Tick.ID: 4 Tick.Result: 4 Tick.Date: Apr12
Second query currently returns the most recent result where the result is =>3, like;
Check.ID: 98 Tick.ID: 2 Tick.Result: 5 Tick.Date: Feb12
Check.ID: 99 Tick.ID: 4 Tick.Result: 5 Tick.Date: Apr12
When I really want:
Check.ID: 99 Tick.ID: 4 Tick.Result: 5 Tick.Date: Apr12
(ID 98 doesn't show as the last Tick.Result is 1).