In functional programming, you usually try to work with the first element and the tail of the list, so the canonical solution would be to cancel the input before nesting the elements:
declare function local:recursive-wrap-up($elements as element()+) as element() {
let $head := head($elements)
let $tail := tail($elements)
element { name($head) } { (
if ($tail)
then local:recursive-wrap-up($tail)
else ()
) }
let $inner-element := <x>x</x>
let $outer-elements := (<a/>, <b/>, <c/>)
return (
local:wrap-up($inner-element, $outer-elements),
local:recursive-wrap-up(reverse(($inner-element, $outer-elements)))
, XQuery. , , !
, , , , last()
position() < last()
. XQuery, .
, XQuery.