This is the procedure I use to install Delphi 5 Pro on Windows 10:
- Log in as administrator
- Disable UAC
- Log in as a standard user
- Install Delphi 5 Pro through the installer
- When you try to install BDE, the installation freezes.
- Use the task manager to kill the installation process.
- C:\Program Files (x86)\Borland\Delphi 5\Uninst.isu
- Delphi 5 Pro
- .
- d5proupgrade.exe( Delphi 5 Pro)
> cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Borland Shared\Debugger
> tregsvr bordbk50.dll
> cd C:\see\below\regarding\winhlp32-windows-7-x86-x86-komeil
> Install.cmd
C:\Program Files (x86)\Borland\Delphi5\Bin\delphi32.dro
- Delphi 5
- JIT , .
- Delphi 5
- UAC.
BDE , .
., , Delphi 5 Windows 10 winhlp32-windows-7-x86- cab, Install.cmd, , :
:: Settings
set MuiFileName=winhlp32.exe.mui
set ExeFileName=winhlp32.exe
set WindowsVersion=7
goto :BypassVersionError