When I install the carriage.
install.packages("caret", dependencies=c("Depends", "Suggests"))
Error in LoadNamespace (i, c (lib.loc, .libPaths ()), versionCheck = vI [[i]]): no package called "digest"
Error: package "ggplot2" could not be loaded.
So, I am resolving the package digest problem by installing a carriage using this code and what I will get again:
install.packages("caret", dep="TRUE")
Error in LoadNamespace (i, c (lib.loc, .libPaths ()), versionCheck = vI [[i]]): no package called "gtable"
Error: package "ggplot2" could not be loaded.
How to install the carriage successfully without such errors, especially the ggplot2 error!
my version of R is R 3.2.2