I use SonataMediaBundle to track my images. I can display the image in the branch using the sonata helper:
{% media user.profilepic, 'reference' %}
This will be displayed in <img src="the src">
But what I want to get is a bare way, so I can, for example, add a class to my img. Sort of:
<img class="img-responsive" src="{{ asset(user.profilepic) }}">
Obviously, it asset(user.profilepic)
does not return the path, but the object and this object do not contain the path to the image.
Also found part of my answer:
{% set foo %}
{% path image, 'small' %}
{% endset %}
<img src="{{ asset(foo) }}" alt=""/>
Apparently, the output of the block can be set to a variable, and then pass this to the asset function.