Print text as a circle

I am trying to shape the shapes of the text that the person selects. I already made a square, a pyramid and a parallelogram.

Where I get stuck when I try to make a circle. I thought that it should be used for i in range (1, height/2)where it will print the text (fe -) * I times. Then I wanted the other loop to be printed with the exact opposite, so from height/2to heightit should first print the text height/2*text en every time the loop cycle starts again, it should print the text once less.

I’m not quite sure that it will be somehow round. I will give the code for the pyramid and circle. I know that for the circle I still need to do something with " ", but since I really don’t know how to make everything work in the first place, I did not start thinking about how I was going to need spaces in this code.

def print_pyramid(height):
    text = raw_input("Please give in what your pyramid needs to be formed from, you can choose two **, two --, or two letters")
    for i in range(1,height+1):
         print (height-i+1)*" ", text * i

def print_circle(height):
    text = raw_input("Give in what your circle is made of: **, -- or two letters.")
    for i in range(1,height/2):
        print text*i
    for j in range ((height/2)-1,(height/2)+1):
        print text*j
    for h in range((height/2)+2, height+1):
        print text*((height/2)-h)

Sample output, see link

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2 answers

, , . xscale, , , , ; . . = 4, .:)

def text_circle(rad, ch='*'):
    xscale = 4.2

    #Maximum diameter, plus a little padding
    width = 3 + int(0.5 + xscale * rad)

    rad2 = rad ** 2
    for y in range(-rad, rad + 1):
        #Find width at this height
        x = int(0.5 + xscale * (rad2 - y ** 2) ** 0.5)
        s = ch * x

for i in range(4, 15):
    print i
    text_circle(i, '@')























A = π r², , 1). r x² + y² = r². () x = √ (r² - y²). , .

from math import pi, sqrt, ceil
text = """Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum."""
radius = ceil(sqrt(len(text)/pi))
text_iter = iter(text)

for i in range(-radius, radius+1):
    num = ceil(sqrt(radius**2 - i**2))
    print("{:^{}}".format("".join(next(text_iter, ".") for _ in range(2*num)), 2*radius))


       Lorem ipsu       
     m dolor sit am     
    et, consectetur     
   adipiscing elit, s   
  ed do eiusmod tempor  
  incididunt ut labore  
 et dolore magna aliqua 
. Ut enim ad minim venia
m, quis nostrud exercita
tion ullamco laboris nis
i ut aliquip ex ea commo
do consequat. Duis aute 
irure dolor in reprehend
erit in voluptate velit 
esse cillum dolore eu fu
giat nulla pariatur. Exc
 epteur sint occaecat c 
 upidatat non proident, 
   sunt in culpa qui o  
   fficia deserunt mo   
    llit anim id est    

, , ( , ceil). , . ( ), text = ""

1) , , , . , , . , , (!) ( ), .:

radius = ceil(sqrt(len(text)/(2*pi))) # calculate with 2 characters per "cell"
for i in range(-radius, radius+1):
    num = ceil(sqrt(radius**2 - i**2) * 2)
    print("{:^{}}".format("".join(next(text_iter, ".") for _ in range(2*num)), 4*radius))


         Lorem ipsum dolor          
      sit amet, consectetur ad      
    ipiscing elit, sed do eiusmo    
   d tempor incididunt ut labore    
 et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad 
  minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci 
tation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliqu
ip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aut
e irure dolor in reprehenderit in vo
luptate velit esse cillum dolore eu 
fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sin
 t occaecat cupidatat non proident, 
  sunt in culpa qui officia deserun 
   t mollit anim id est laborum..   


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