I am porting an application in Wordpress. We have thousands of Wordpress posts that we will embed as custom_types in the wordpress database. What is the post_name field in wp_posts? Can we have two entries with the same name by name? Is this for friendly urls?
post_nameis a message. They must be unique .
Read more about WP_Postmember variables in the code .
, post_name . post_name UNIQUE MySQL, , , , . , , , wp_posts post_name.
, , , .
Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1611945/More articles:Assembly * uses *, which has a higher version than the assembly reference - .netRegular expression to filter desired rows from pandas dataframe - pythonGolang: dropping single quotes - escapingLiferay: Create a portlet configuration page. How to provide the correct jsp path? - spring-portlet-mvcAndroid Realm, request objects by attribute child - javaСгенерируйте с помощью свойства gulp -spritesmith правила: hover вместо селектора классов - javascriptjobserver is not available when creating external projects using CMake - c ++iOS9 - CNContactPickerViewController: Preselect Contacts - ios9Захват/подавление всего вывода от php exec, включая stderr - phpAssign an environment with a reference identifier (that is, Do not pass env. To child functions) - rAll Articles