Liferay: Create a portlet configuration page. How to provide the correct jsp path?

I want to create a configuration page for the liferay portlet.

Some code from portlet.xml



public class ConfigurationActionImpl implements ConfigurationAction {

public void processAction(PortletConfig portletConfig, ActionRequest actionRequest,
                          ActionResponse actionResponse) throws Exception {


public String render(PortletConfig portletConfig, RenderRequest renderRequest,
                     RenderResponse renderResponse) throws Exception {
    System.out.println("RENDER CALL");
    return "/html/jsp/config.jsp";



When I launch it, I have a tab in the settings (the visualization method works, I see the "RENDER CALL" message in the console), but my jsp is not displayed, without errors and warnings. I tried different ways to provide jsp paths, but without progress. What should I do?

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1 answer

DefaultConfigurationAction, JSP init portlet.xml(configTemplate config-jsp). render.

DefaultConfigurationAction, init .

JSP classpath, .. /WEB-INF JSP.

. .

Spring MVC ( ). (@Controller @RequestMapping("edit")). Spring , (.. JSP, , , Spring).



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