What are the best RESTful methods when defining a query parameter with a condition or?

I would like to know, following the RESTful best practices, how I should define the URL as follows:


The bottom line is to search for a person by their email address or phone, depending on what they have inserted in the search field.

I read a few guides on best practices for using RESTful services, but no one talks about this situation.

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3 answers

REST means you follow the standards by creating a (unified) application interface.

GET. URL, . . RQL, OData, REST API URI: mongodb .. . , . , . SPARQL, REST RDF vocabs hydra. , MIME . ( , , .)

, URI, - RDF MIME . , , / , HATEOAS wikipedia. ( - , , URI.)

, , SQL - .




/URL- .


An alternative could be:


Thus, you can also search by mail and phone.


or even perform more complex queries, for example:


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1611926/

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