Performing parallel tasks in talent

I have a situation where I need to run five different child tasks in talend in parallel. The problem is that in my choice of request I get five different identifiers, and then for each specific identifier, I need to run five different tasks. The problem with the tparrallelize component is that it does not allow passing context variables to each subtask, i.e. id in this particular case.

select id from table 5; ----> five different instances of the same work with another id as a parameter

Any help would be greatly appreciated


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, , , 5 , .

, ( , ) , tFlowToIterate. tFixedFlowInput 2 , "" "". , , "" ((Integer)globalMap.get("tFlowToIterate_1_CURRENT_ITERATION")), "" ((String)globalMap.get("row1.SupplierPartNumber")).

Iterate through the returned IDs and put in Global Map and then retrieve

tMap, "ContextNumber" + row2.key , , , , tContextLoad.

Map the iteration value

OnSubjobOK tParallelize . .

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