How to tell Hibernate to conditionally ignore columns in CRUD operations

Is it possible to somehow force Hibernate to conditionally ignore a missing column in the database table when performing CRUD operations?

I have a Java application using Hibernate as a persistence layer. I would like to tell Hibernate somehow: if the database version is <50, then ignore this column annotation (or install it with a transient).

This situation arises due to different versions of the database on different clients, but the same entity code for all sites. For example, I have a class where a column description2may not be present in some databases.

@Table(name = "MY_TABLE")
public class MyTable implements {

    private Integer serialNo;    
    private String pickCode;
    private String description1;
    private String description2;

    @Column(name = "Serial_No", nullable = false)
    @GenericGenerator(name = "generator", strategy = "increment")
    @GeneratedValue(generator = "generator")
    public Integer getSerialNo() {
        return this.serialNo;

    @Column(name = "Pick_Code", length = 25)
    public String getPickCode() {
        return this.pickCode;

    @Column(name = "Description1")
    public String getDescription1() {
        return this.description1;

    @Column(name = "Description2")     // <- this column might miss in some databases
    //@TransientIf(...)  <- something like this would be nice, or any other solution
    public String getDescription2() {
        return this.description2;

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