How to convert BIC & IBAN to account and sort

Now that SEPA requirements are attracting people to BIC and IBAN, there is an outdated system that cannot handle this new data. Is there an algorithm or tool for converting BIC and IBAN to sort code and account?

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5 answers

Wikipedia has a list of IBAN formats by country , so at least this is possible.

However, there is no complete algorithm for it - as a software developer, you can get the algorithm from this input. Please note that other countries may follow in the future, so you can expect more work (and hopefully no more exceptional cases of sort codes and accounts).

As for the tool or library, this topic is irrelevant here at StackOverflow, but you can ask for Software Recommendations . Please note that they have different requirements for how to ask questions, so you can read the tour first. Do not forget to specify the programming language.


: enter image description here





IBAN . , , PHP:

$iban = "GB04BARC20474473160944";

$sort = substr($iban,8,6);
$account = substr($iban,14,8);

print "SortCode:" . $sort;
print "AccountNumber:" . $account;

IBAN Calculator webservice API, . iban sort/account.

sort/account .



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