Titan removal top not working properly

I installed Titan with HBase.

I delete the entire vertex in the graph

Shows null after deleting all.

gremlin> gVcount() ==>0 

But if I rewrite titanium, then the graph has an empty empty vertex

 gremlin> gVcount() ==>85267 

I check the value of one vertex, it is empty gremlin> gv (840012) .map ()

What is the reason for the empty top? How can I clean them completely?

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1 answer

Hi, I had the same problem in Titan with DB cassendra.

This was due to the close of the chart without fixing.

  g = TitanFactory.open ('../ conf / titan-cassandra-es.properties');

 // Delete Nodes 

 g.commit (); 

execute "g.commit ();" before closing the chart.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1502962/

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