Failed to create scripts for Azure Sql database: "Retrieving list of objects from: failed"

I follow the instructions of and get the following error:

Retrieving a list of objects from "MYDBNAME". Error

Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Sdk.Sfc.EnumeratorException: Failed to get data for this request. ---> Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Sdk.Sfc.InvalidVersionEnumeratorException: operation is not supported in version 11.0 of SqlAzureDatabase. in Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.XmlReadDoc.LoadFile (Assembly a, String strFile) in Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.SqlObject.LoadInitData (String, ServerVersion ver, DatabaseEngineType databaseEngineType) in Sfc.ObjectCache.LoadElement (ObjectLoadInfo oli, ServerVersion ver, DatabaseEngineType databaseEngineType) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Sdk.Sfc.ObjectCache.GetElement (ObjectLoadInfo oli, ServerVersion ver, DatabaseEngineTypeer database DatabasengngTypeer Database.ngineTypeer database.ngineTypeer database.ngineTypeer database ObjectCache.GetAllElements (Urn urn, ServerVersion ver, DatabaseEngineType databaseEngineType, Object ci) in Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Sdk.Sfc.Environment.GetObjectsFromCache (Urn urn, Object ci) in Microsoft.SqlServer.fanc. GetData (Request req, Object ci) in Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Sdk.Sfc.Enumerator.GetData (Object connectionInfo, request request) in Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Sdk.Sfc.Enumerator.Process (Object connectionInfo, Request request) --- The end of the internal trace of the exception stack is in Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlScriptPublish.GeneratePublishPage.worker_DoWork (the sender of the object, DoWorkEventArgs e) in System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker.OnDoWork (DoWorkEventArgs e) in the .CompleterWorkMonWorkerenterComponentWorkerenterCommenterWorkerCommentWorkenterCommenter.Window object)

How to get backup of azure or sql database?

UPDATE: Azure db: SQL Server 11.0.2065; Management Studio Sql: 11.0.2100.60


Azure Migration Wizard reports:


Failed to get data for this request.


The operation is not supported on version 11.0 of SqlAzureDatabase. (Microsoft.SqlServer.SqlEnum)

Same thing here .

Summary - Cyrillic_General_CI_AS. How to change the setting for db to create scripts?


Same error when exporting a Data-Tier application using this guide :

.. Operation is not supported on version 11.0 of SqlAzureDatabase.

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3 answers

In SqlServer Management Studio 2012;

Right-click on the database and Tasks> Deploy the database on Azure Sql, but select the local server as the target. He will receive a copy of the blue for your local. And then you can create scripts from your local server. I just found this method, worked for me.


I would suggest going for the Azure Migration Wizard , as it is much more advanced than the scripting task in SSMS. As a side note, this tool is written and maintained by a person from the Azure SQL Team!


Ok, I exported my azure db using . I created a BACPAC file on the repository. Then I imported BACPAC into my local Sql express. Oddly enough, the service did not give me the error that I had when using my SQL Management Studio.



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