I'm looking for a way to automate some kind of explorer configuration (for example, those found here: Customize five Windows folder templates ).
I want to:
- update the Windows Explorer Document folder template to add two columns
- recursively apply this template to the webdav folder
I did not find the documentation.
I tried to use procmon.exe to intercept where these parameters are located, but I did not find something important.
I tried a script shell object:
$shell = new-object -com Shell.Application $folder = $shell.Namespace("http://myserver/webdav")
I examined the registry in the hope of finding something, but I did not.
What are my options? I donβt even know where these settings are.
If possible, the solution should use a scripting language (vbs or powershell). Or, if absolutely necessary, a C # program might be possible ... If only I know where to start
[edit] procmon shows that when adding a column, the reg key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\CommandStore\shell\Windows.AddColumns\
read. However, I do not know what this registry key means.
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