Changing Runtime Application Name on Mac for JavaFX Based Application

Look at this image: Can I change the application name ("My Mac application is based on JavaFX") in the menu bar of the Mac OS X system at runtime after the application starts? If this cannot be changed at run time, is there a way to change it after restarting the application? I think this name came from Info.plist. The application is built using the JavaFX ant task for Mac OS X.

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When using javafx-maven-plugin, you can specify it in your pom.xml as follows:

<plugin> <groupId>com.zenjava</groupId> <artifactId>javafx-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>8.6.0</version> <configuration> <appName>Aaa Working Title</appName> ... </configuration> ... </plugin> 

I know two ways to achieve what you want:

1) Call javafx.awt.Desktop.getDesktop from the main thread before creating any steps:

 object MYAPP { def main(args: Array[String]) = { val d = java.awt.Desktop.getDesktop // ...optionally, add handlers for interesting desktop events javafx.application.Application.launch(classOf[MyApp], args: _*) } } 

I believe that, among other things, this renames the application menu to MYAPP.

2) The application package can be used with the javapackager tool.


In fact, you can very easily change it using java command arguments

This works great for me, running a JavaFX application in a Java11 user environment with a built-in bash script as a native application.

From the Oracle 10 documentation:

-Xdock: name = application name
Overrides the default application name displayed in the dock. [*]

-Xdock: icon = path to icon file
Overrides the default icon displayed in the dock.

[*] Also affects the menu name.

You can see my complete team by looking at 'src_macos / tmpl /' here:

For the About dialog, just do: java.awt.Desktop.getDesktop().setAboutHandler(my_about_handler) . In your handler, open any kind of dialog or window that you want.


This should work the way it always works for me: D

primaryStage.setTitle ("LOLOLOLOL");

This changes the name of your window. You can change this value at any time if you have a Stage element at your disposal.



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