I have Measure - 'TEST', which is SUM in all dimensions except DATE Dimension, for which we need the value on the last day.
I created a Measure with an aggregate as "SUM" and created a Scope statement to handle the exception
SCOPE([Date].[Date].[All]) THIS = TAIL([Date].[Date].MEMBERS,1).ITEM(0) ; END SCOPE
Works well and collects the value "Last Day". But the problem is that it always gains the value "Last Day" and does not take into account filters in the report.
For example, if I have
January 1 - 100,
January 2 - 200,
Jan 3 - 300
When I get the report for January 1 and January 2, I expect to see 200. Instead, I get 300 with the above MDX.
Thanks. any help is much appreciated.
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