I am trying to use Linux wifi drivers from 3.11 to linux-omap-l1 (2.6.39). I installed the cross-compiler on my Ubuntu 11.4 (kernel 2.6.38-11-generic) and verified that the cross-compiled kernel can run on an ARM processor as expected. I was also able to archive the wifi drivers into this Ubuntu by following the "User Guide" . However, I have the problem of cross compiling wifi backports. Here are two attempts:
Attempt # 1
After the Cross-compilation section from the same link, I set ARCH (= arm), CROSS_COMPILER, KLIB_BUILD (= Linux-omap-l1 directory) and KLIB (= Linux-omap-l1 directory), made make defconfig-wifi , then executed make -j4. He finished without any errors. However, when I check the generated ko files, they apparently do not cross-compile because they look like "rt2x00usb.ko: 32-bit LSB with 32-bit LSB switch, Intel 80386 , version 1 (SYSV), not divided "
Attempt # 2
Then I cleared the old make result and passed the above four macros directly to do as arguments and run it again. This time he reported many errors complaining about the lack of printk.h, atomic.h and average.h
Please help with any of the above cases.
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