Sphinx: include xlxs data in first

I want to include the xlxs sheet (or rather, the data of the specified file) in the Sphinx document.

Is there a way to convert xlxs sheet to restructured text?

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2 answers

You do not need to convert it to the first. If you export your xlsx sheet to a comma delimited file (csv), you can use the csv-table directive .

The great thing is that you only need to set up a table in your csv once, and whenever you update your xlsx sheet, just export it again to csv to the same place where your table used to be.

.. csv-table:: The contents of my xlsx sheet exported to mytable.csv
   :widths: 15 40 20
   :header: "Header 1", "Header 2", "Header 3"
   :file: mytable.csv

. , .

, : file:. , , . , , csv.


sphinxcontrib-excel, xlsx, xls ods ( , , ) sphinx . xlsx csv, .

, excel readthedocs.org .


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1502559/

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