I just dive into the Genesis framework.
In a normal topic, if you want to edit the header, you open the header.php
But in the genesis, the header file is not in the child theme. I looked around and found a way to add custom header support, but I need to be guided.
Below is the code to enable custom header support. I assume this is included in the functions.php file. But how do I really add code here? What if I want to say that you pulled into a custom field or added a div to this section or added a slider? How do I really use this code to allow me to add html and php to the title of a child theme?
add_theme_support( 'genesis-custom-header', array( 'width' => 960, 'height' => 100, 'textcolor' => '444', 'admin_header_callback' => 'minimum_admin_style' ) );
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