Using Rx from F # in a portable class library has some problems?

Now I am building a store application with the F # pcl library and the C # repository project for 8.1. OS is 8.1 Preview, and VS is VS2013 Preview.

I tried using Rx from the pcl library of F #. I could reference the Rx assemblies that are in the folder "C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Microsoft SDK \ Reactive Extensions \ v2.0 \ Binaries.NETPortable \ v4.5" successfully.

But I do not agree with the Rx classes from the fs file. The F # compiler complained: "The namespace" Reactive "is not defined" for "open System.Reactive", why?

Should I do something else? or i can't?

Any advice would help.


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1 answer

I just tried this with the latest stable package Rx nuget (2.1.30214) and VS 2013 RC on Win7, and it works.

Make sure your project type is "Portable Library" and not "Portable Library (Heritage)". Only the first, new in VS 2013, supports targeting a .NET Framework profile that uses Rx. The specified version of the FSharp.Core.dll file should be

Rx and F #



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