What will be the correct syntax using ldapsearch to return all \ OU groups and their \ OU nested groups in the AD domain? I am trying to query Windows AD DC from the Linux Box and should return this result to the Linux machine.
Thanks for any help
All groups in DOMAIN:
All groups and units must:
Not sure what \ OU groups mean.
Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1502327/More articles:How to track API requests when using Rack Cache - ruby ââ| fooobar.comHow to change compiler in Xcode - cpython read () and write () in large blocks / memory management - pythonProgramming an online couple with Python - pythonEclipse equivalent of IntelliJ Ctrl + P - eclipsehref = "JavaScript :;" or href = "javascript: void (0)", the difference? - javascriptMethod call - new to this - javaUnable to see iOS7 dynamic submission (working with iOS6) - iosLoading Java objects using refelection throws a ClassNotFoundException with a superclass - javaWhere does IntelliJ IDEA store database console scripts? - intellij-ideaAll Articles