IPhone Color Detection

Recently, Apple has been demonstrating the new iPhones 5s and 5c, which have many colors, white, pink, yellow, blue, green, gray, gold and silver ... wow for many, but my question is:

I will create a device with the ability to detect the color of the device to enable the user interface in a specific color for this device.

Now I know your answer, NO, it is NOT possible , and give me a negative vote, but I ask you to think about iTunes with your device if iPhone or iPad , because when you connect your device, iTunes can detect color and show on the page devices are exactly the color Black / White or iPod .

Does anyone know an xcode objectiveC method for this?

Or is this just an opportunity for iTunes?

Found this tutorial for an internal UDID application, what did you think about it?


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1 answer

I think iTunes finds all the UDID-based information on a phone that:

A UDID is a string of letters and numbers of 40 characters that resembles a serial number and uniquely identifies a specific iOS device, including iPhone, iPad and iPod. The alphanumeric code looks completely random for people, but in fact it is based on various hardware characteristics. Like the serial number, each iOS device has a UDID that only refers to that particular device. You can see your own device UDID by going to iTunes and tapping your device’s serial number on the sync screen.

[link] http://arstechnica.com/apple/2012/09/ask-ars-whats-the-big-deal-with-iphone-udids/

So, maybe you can find a way to extract this information?

Just an idea.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1502316/

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