Apache 2.4 runs very slowly on Windows 8 - 64 bit

I am installing apache 2.4 on my computer. It works very slowly. the page title in Internet Explorer shows "localhost waiting" with a download icon! installed software products:

windows 8 64bit > Apache2.4 64bit php 5 64bit MySQL 5 64bit phpMyAdmin 4 

The problem is not mySQL ... when it completes, the problem still exists. I searched and found solutions, but they were not useful. For instance:

  • add " localhost" →> to C: \ Windows \ System32 \ Drivers \ etc \ hosts
  • add "EnableMMAP on" and "EnableSendfile on" to httpd.conf
  • enable and set realpath_cache_size = 4m to php.in

any idea?

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3 answers

Does this issue occur in other browsers than in Internet Explorer?

If not, this could be due to the Apache multiprocessor module optimized for Windows NT . This has been called one of the possible reasons for the very unresponsive / freezing Apache.

The fix would be to add this to your httpd.conf:

 AcceptFilter http none AcceptFilter https none 

See my blog post on this topic for more details.


I had the same problem, I had the 64-bit version of WAMP installed. I have exported databases (mySql). Removed WAMP, downloaded and installed the 32-bit version. Imported my databases. The speed difference was VERY noticeable ... You might want to try it.


There seems to be a problem with localhost dns resolution on Windows 8. Following the instructions in this article, I did this for me:



Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1502260/

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