I have a file consisting of about a hundred paragraphs, each of which is folded according to the third example in the help section of fold-expr: help, which rolls back paragraphs separated by blank lines:
set foldmethod=expr set foldexpr=getline(v:lnum)=~'^\\s*$'&&getline(v:lnum+1)=~'\\S'?'<1':1
Suppose I run a search pattern like
/Item 014
This pattern can be found in 7 different folds.
I know that I can just press "n" 6 times to open all the folds associated with the search in sequence.
But I would like to have 7 cards in one move to get a quick overview.
I tried a macro
qu nq
/Item 014 100@u
but failed.
How should I proceed?
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