I am trying to translate default messages from WTForms using the Flask-WTF plugin. According to this ( https://github.com/ajford/flask-wtf/pull/65 ) it should work. You can also see that wtforms use gettext for default error messages ( https://bitbucket.org/simplecodes/wtforms/src/113994790508/wtforms/validators.py ).
I added WTF_I18n_ENABLED to my configuration file and I created my .po file using the following commands
pybabel extract -F babel.cfg -k lazy_gettext -o messages.pot myapp pybabel init -i messages.pot -d myapp/translations -l en pybabel compile -d myapp/translations
I expected the default messages to appear, but they do not. Am I expecting too much or am I doing something wrong?
A checkbox can only search in one folder ( translations by default, not on eggs). Therefore, you need to copy the wtforms.mo / wtforms.po to your LS_MESSAGES application.
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