WEBGL_draw_buffers is not supported in recent versions of Firefox / Chrome

A google search will display all kinds of people using multiple rendering goals (aka MRT) with the WEBGL_draw_buffers extension. A search would also show that both Firefox and Chrome supposedly support it, and that you might have to enable the flag in about: config / about: flags, respectively, which will allow you to use extensions that are still in project status.

However, none of the above gave me access to the extension. I changed the configuration on both Firefox Aurora and Chrome Canary, and no luck.

Is there any solution?

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2 answers

First of all, I don’t know about Chrome. I'm sorry. My answer will be about Firefox.

and Firefox and Chrome supposedly support it

"Support" may be a redundant expression ... There is alpha or beta code that is under active development and testing, and for this reason is intentionally disabled by default.

In Firefox Beta 24 and later, you can switch the webgl.enable-draft-extensions option to about:config to enable WEBGL_draw_buffers .

I tested that on a MacBook Air (Intel HD Graphics 3000), OSX Lion and the Khronos WebGL test suite :

  • Beta 24 : Crash!
  • Aurora 25 : Crash!
  • Night 26 : all tests passed, in particular

     PASS Successfully enabled WEBGL_draw_buffers extension PASS WEBGL_draw_buffers listed as supported and getExtension succeeded 

I managed to get the WEBGL_draw_buffers extension enabled on chrome by enabling these two flags:

Enable WebGL Draft Extensions Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android

Enable D3D11 Windows

You should also be able to access the extension by adding the --use-gl:desktop flag, however I was not able to get this last option to work.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1502123/

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