I have a text configuration file something like this:
As you can see, this one has key value pairs, however it also contains comment lines and empty lines. In some cases, comments are on the same line as a pair of key values.
How to read this configuration file and set the keys as variable names in a shell script so that I can use them like:
echo $KEY1
source config.file
then you can use these variables in your shell.
Just enter the code at the beginning of your code:
. file
source file
For example, here is the contents of your configuration file:
email=test@test.com user=test password=test
There are two ways:
Use the source to do this.
source $<your_file_path> echo $email
read the contents and then scroll through each line to compare to determine the correct line
cat $<your_file_path> | while read line do if [[$line == *"email"*]]; then IFS='-' read -a myarray <<< "$line" email=${myarray[1]} echo $email fi done
The second drawback of the solution is what you need to use to check each line.
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