Is there a way to create a unique edge between two vertices on the Titan chart and confirm that it cannot be created again if it is not deleted and not created?
Basically, I need to create:
But I keep creating multiple edges for the same relationship:
vertex1--follows-->vertex2 vertex1--follows-->vertex2 vertex1--follows-->vertex2 vertex1--follows-->vertex2
My basic addEdge request is this:
def follow(target) grem = "g.addEdge( gV('id', '#{id}').next(), gV('id', '#{}').next(), 'follows', [since:#{}] )" $graph.execute(grem).results end
I'm trying to find something like this
def follow(target) grem = "g.addEdge( gV('id', '#{id}').next(), gV('id', '#{}').next(), 'follows', [since:#{}] ).unique(Direction.OUT)" $graph.execute(grem).results end
This document has a method called unique, but I cannot get it to work with edges, only the properties of the vertices.
I can run the query before creating addEdge to check the existing edge, but this seems to be hacked and can cause problems with the race condition.
Is it possible that there is a method that I can add to addEdge that will prevent the creation of a duplicated edge if the edge already exists?
Or is there a way to create a unique property label on an edge?
The following is a Gremlins session:
gremlin> g.makeType().name('follows').unique(IN).makeEdgeLabel(); ==>v[36028797018964558] gremlin> u = g.addVertex([name:'brett']) ==>v[120004] gremlin> u2 = g.addVertex([name:'brettU']) ==>v[120008] gremlin> e = g.addEdge(u, u2, 'follows') ==>e[2w5N-vdy-2F0LaTPQK2][120004-follows->120008] gremlin> e = g.addEdge(u, u2, 'follows') An edge with the given type already exists on the in-vertex Display stack trace? [yN] gremlin> e = g.addEdge(u2, u, 'follows') ==>e[2w5P-vdC-2F0LaTPQK2][120008-follows->120004] gremlin> u3 = g.addVertex([name:'brett3']) ==>v[120012] gremlin> e = g.addEdge(u3, u, 'follows') An edge with the given type already exists on the in-vertex Display stack trace? [yN] N gremlin> gE ==>e[2w5N-vdy-2F0LaTPQK2][120004-follows->120008] ==>e[2w5P-vdC-2F0LaTPQK2][120008-follows->120004]
Setting unique (IN | BOTH | OUT) creates a problem when we can only have one follower per user. This, of course, would make it impossible for the user to communicate → follows → [users].
Here is another example of trying to set a unique property on an edge, this also does not work:
gremlin> g.makeType().name('follows_id').unique(BOTH).makeEdgeLabel(); ==>v[36028797018964942] gremlin> u = g.addVertex([name:'brett']) ==>v[200004] gremlin> u2 = g.addVertex([name:'brett2']) ==>v[200008] gremlin> u3 = g.addVertex([name:'brett3']) ==>v[200012] gremlin> e = g.addEdge(u, u2, 'follows', [follows_id:'200004-20008']) Value must be a vertex Display stack trace? [yN] N gremlin> gE ==>e[4c9z-Q1S-2F0LaTPQQu][200004-follows->200008] gremlin> e = g.addEdge(u, u2, 'follows', [follows_id:'200004-20008']) Value must be a vertex Display stack trace? [yN] N gremlin> gE ==>e[4c9z-Q1S-2F0LaTPQQu][200004-follows->200008] ==>e[4c9B-Q1S-2F0LaTPQQu][200004-follows->200008]