Create PDF in PHPDocumentor2?

phpdoc -d lib / model -t / var / www / html / docs / - template responsive

generates html docs fine.

I upgraded to PHPDocumentor2 and cannot find the command to output to PDF. The old method for 1.x does not work in the new version.

Can someone tell me how to do this or point me to the documentation.

Thanks in advance.

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2 answers

In the new version 2. * there is no such pdf-template yet.

there is only

template selection

phpdoc --template="clean" --template="checkstyle" -d . 

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BTW I am using an older version (1.4.4) which I wanted to save in pdf.

 phpdoc -o PDF:default:default -t ./docs -d ./ 

But created a bad document. Version 1.4.4 may not work with PHP 5.5.11 in the PDF release.

I was able to generate only HTML in version 1.4.4.

 phpdoc -o HTML:frames:earthli -t ./docs -d ./ 

So, I returned to version 2 * and waited for the pdf-template.


I created a phpDoc2pdf project that generates PDF documentation for PHP code using the phpDocumentor2 API.

I hope this can help people with the same issue:



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