Wordpress admin doesn't load css / js

I have a problem with an administrator on a Wordpress site. I looked through cross-industry networks and saw many other people with the same problem, but did not have a specific solution. The administrator displays the following:

enter image description here

And when I check it, I get 500 (Internal server error) for both load-styles.php and load-scripts.php

Does anyone know what and how to fix?

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7 answers

In wp-config.php before require_once add below code to file:

 define('CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS', false); 

Just for everything to be in one answer, this worked for me:

 define('FORCE_SSL_LOGIN', true); define('FORCE_SSL_ADMIN', true); define( 'CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS', false ); define( 'SCRIPT_DEBUG', true ); 

After refreshing the page, it looks fine, perhaps after logging in again, set the SCRIPT_DEBUG parameter to false.

Do not forget about the last two settings if you use plugins for debugging or site optimization, although such plugins can override these parameters.


CSS was not loaded in my case (with WordPress 3.7.1) due to an encoding problem.

Fix UTF-8 encoding by replacing the corresponding line in wp-admin/load-styles.php with:

 header('Content-Type: text/css; charset=UTF-8'); 

Put define('SCRIPT_DEBUG', true); in wp-config.php and debug through the console. It will tell you which file was not found at page load time.


In the wp-config.php file you can add - define ('SCRIPT_DEBUG', true); This solves the problem, but it is not recommended to leave this config to true during operation.

Hope help


I had a similar problem with a new installation of Wordpress that required redirecting to a temporary URL.

My solution was to make sure siteurl and home url had http: // at the beginning of the URL.

Hope this fixes this.


Have you tried uninstailling and then reinstall Wordpress?


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1501898/

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