When backing up an Amazon EC2 instance, what does it mean that the platform should be the same?

The user manual [1] states that for ec2 instances, on demand, which must be billed for your reserved instances, they must meet four criteria.

  • region,
  • Availability Zone
  • instance type
  • and the specified platform

The platform is confusing because I use custom Ubuntu AMI and in the EC2 control panel, my platform field is empty.

When choosing a reserved instance, you can select "Linux / UNIX" and "Linux / UNIX (Amazon VPC)", Red Hat, SUSE, etc.

So how will I charge?

[1] http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/reserved-instances-fundamentals.html

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You would choose Linux / Unix. Flavors Linux, such as Redhat and SUSE, include additional licensing fees that are not charged for other versions of Linux, so they are considered separate platforms.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1501894/

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