Is there an iOS method / feature to check if settings restrictions are enabled?

With Apple's new kids app policy, you need to make a parent gate before Apple accepts the app. Unfortunately, Apple did not provide a mechanism that can be used for such gates, and therefore developers are struggling with how to solve this.

In iOS settings, Apple allows users to set restrictions, for example, without in-app purchases, etc. First you need to enable the "Constraints" option in general, and then choose which restrictions you are going to enter.

I would like to know if there is an iOS function or method for checking the status of restrictions, that is, enabled or disabled, and ideally, can I also specifically check the status of individual restriction settings for each application? I know that you can use in-app purchases (canMakePayments method)

If someone found a way to make the parent iOS gateway Apple accepted, I and many other developers would really like to hear about it.

Many thanks

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2 answers

There is no standard mechanism for parental gates, and Apple remains calm when asked.

However, many applications in the AppStore adopted in the Children section, primarily Toca Boca, use the "random double finger" mechanism, so this seems to be an approved mechanism.

As the parent gate shows a pop-up window with the text “swipe two fingers up / down / right / left to continue” (where randomization is up / down / left / right)

(did not try it myself, but very soon)


Regarding your question about creating an iOS parent gateway, I published the open source SDK Parental Gate SDK, which was used in an application that successfully passed validation in accordance with the Apple 24.3 rule, which requires a “parent gate” for the purchase application and that’s all that brings the user interface to the Internet. You can learn more about the SDK and get the source code here:

MKParentalGate Open Source SDK



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