I'm having trouble turning ByteString into text and vice versa. Here is the code:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import Web.Scotty import Web.ClientSession import Data.Text.Lazy (Text, toStrict, fromStrict) import Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding (encodeUtf8, decodeUtf8) import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Data.Monoid ((<>)) initCookies :: IO (Text -> ActionM ()) initCookies = do key <- getDefaultKey return $ setCookie key where setCookie k id = encryptIO k (encode id) >>= (\x -> header "Set-Cookie" ("sid=" <> decode x <> ";")) encode :: Text -> ByteString encode = encodeUtf8 . toStrict decode :: ByteString -> Text decode = fromStrict . decodeUtf8
and error message:
foo.hs:16:35: Couldn't match expected type `bytestring-' with actual type `ByteString' In the return type of a call of `encode' In the second argument of `encryptIO', namely `(encode id)' In the first argument of `(>>=)', namely `encryptIO k (encode id)' foo.hs:17:18: Couldn't match type `ActionM' with `IO' Expected type: IO () Actual type: ActionM () In the return type of a call of `header' In the expression: header "Set-Cookie" ("sid=" <> decode x <> ";") In the second argument of `(>>=)', namely `(\ x -> header "Set-Cookie" ("sid=" <> decode x <> ";"))' foo.hs:17:56: Couldn't match expected type `ByteString' with actual type `bytestring-' In the first argument of `decode', namely `x' In the first argument of `(<>)', namely `decode x' In the second argument of `(<>)', namely `decode x <> ";"'
So, I think this error has something to do with what ClientSession uses, in their source code they seem to use the usual bytestring, which should work with my implementation. Look here:
[..] import qualified Data.ByteString as S [..] encryptIO :: Key -> S.ByteString -> IO S.ByteString [..]
So why am I getting all these errors? Thanks.
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