Angular ngStyle Variable Style

I am trying to give my dynamic div style - I want css to come from the controller, where the css object that the controller returns is not hardcoded, but changes dynamically (I need a "top" field, which is a variable). I use ng-style to achieve this:

-html- <div id="preview" ng-style="setTopPosition()"> -controller- $scope.setTopPosition = function() { console.log("top position: " + $scope.topPosition); var retObj = { top : $scope.topPosition , background: "green" }; console.log(retObj); return retObj }; 

Now I know that the values ​​that I expect ($ scope.topPosition, etc.) are there (they are displayed in the console log), and I know that the controller runs its code, as the background div turns green. However, the top position does not work. Can ng-style use variable field objects? Also, does it need to use a custom directive instead?

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3 answers

If someone else comes across a question like me, the problem arose after upgrading from Angular 1.2.x to Angular 1.3.x.

After the update, it actually failed when I manually added the 'px' :

 <span ng-style="{top: spanTop + 'px'}">I (don't) have top!</span> 

and it started working when I deleted the 'px' :

 <span ng-style="{top: spanTop}">I have top!</span> 

Remove the curly braces from ng-style="setTopPosition() if you want to use it as a variable.

It should be ng-style="setTopPosition

in the controller, for example:

  $scope.setTopPosition= { top : $scope.topPosition+'px', background : "green", "width": 0 + '%', "height": 5 + 'px' }; 

with any change, you just set new values ​​in $scope.setTopPosition= {/* ... */}


If you are using jQuery with angular, you must specify part of the px value. jQlite does not support advanced CSS material such as jQuery, so you must do this.

 top : $scope.topPosition + 'px' 

Note. The reason I'm talking is that styles are usually applied in the ng-style directive as follows: element.css(styles);



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