Qt Creator Design with MinGW Tools Slow

When created in Qt Creator using the MinGW toolkit in Windows, assembly is slowed down. Takes 21 seconds for a tiny project.

Any fix?

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1 answer

The fix was to switch to the Microsoft toolchain (including the MSVC compiler and CDB debugger). Qt Creator supports this toolchain. This reduced the build time for me from 21 to 11 seconds.

In addition, he led the “assembly when nothing has changed from the last assembly” from 4 to 0 seconds, which is also a big victory.

Note. A large group of MSVC compilers appeared on the "Compilers" tab in the Qt Creator settings, including:

  • Compilers from the Windows SDK for three different architectures
  • "Microsoft Visual C ++ Compiler 10.0" for 2 different architectures
  • "Microsoft Visual C ++ Compiler 14.0" for 3 different architectures

I chose "Microsoft Visual C ++ Compiler 14.0 (x86)"

Disclaimer: Performance may vary on other systems. I am running a 32 bit Windows 7 system.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1501801/

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