By default, Octopress publishes your blog on the pages of a user or organization on Github. I think you will need to deploy your blog on Project Github Pages. See here for a description of the difference.
This means that you will have another branch named gh-pages .
- Your existing static site will be in the master branch and will be deployed to .
- Your blog will be in the gh-pages branch and will be deployed to
That sounds pretty encouraging, and it could be that with some carefully tuned CNAME records, that might be enough.
There are deployment instructions on the Github project pages in the With Github project pages (gh-pages) section of the deployment instructions page.
A possible alternative would be switching locations. That is, leave the blog in the master branch (and expand it to ) and put your existing static site on the project page username / project_name . You can then set up CNAME records so that and point to the right places.
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