An official change log should help you.
Also remember to change the method names. All snake_case
method names are converted to camelCase
Edit: folder names are almost the same. application
folder has become an app
, the paths to the folders of the model, view and controllers are still the same in the application folder. Migrations are now in the app/database/migrations
Routing has changed a bit. :num
, etc., now you can name them anything and set your rules using regular expression.
For example: This:
Route::get('my/method/(:num)', array('as' => 'name', 'uses' => ' controller@method '));
became the following:
Route::get('my/method/{id}', array('as' => 'name', 'uses' => ' yourController@yourMethod '))->where('id','[0-9]+');
( id
is optional, you can call it anything.)
Route::get('my/method/{foo}', array('as' => 'name', 'uses' => ' yourController@yourMethod '))->where('foo','[0-9]+');
For filters, you can now use app/filters.php
instead of putting them in your routes.php
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