UWP tile background color not working

I set the background color in the application manifest to black, but the tile is still displayed in blue in the application list and is transparent when attached to the start screen. The color of the tile changes in the IDE (VS), but not when I run it in the phone emulator.

enter image description here

There is a similar question and answer: The color of the Windows 8 Live Tile Icon icon , but it is specifically for Windows 8 and actually says that you can install it on anything that is not the way I found out.

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1 answer

The problem is that the value must be a hexadecimal value, which is not very clear in the VS IDE.

In fact, setting the background color to “black” in the application manifest will show the tiles in the IDE as having a black background, and even make the tile black background when launched as a desktop application; but when launched in the phone emulator, he completely ignored a certain background color.

Changing it to #000000 finally resolved my problem.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1501771/

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