Why not open tabs automatically when reopening my solution?

I have an ASP.NET MVC4 application (.sln) application . When I close Visual Studio and then open it again and my solution, my tabs and my navigation structure in the solution explorer do not restore as they were.

The solution is great, and I need a lot of time to re-open many tabs and open many folders in the solution explorer.

Is there an option in VS that would allow me to restore the solution to where it was when I left it?

I already made "Reset all settings" in the Import and Export Settings Wizard, but this did not help.

I also tried loading VS into / SafeMode , which disables any extensions. No difference.

Searching around I donโ€™t see anyone having similar problems.

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3 answers

As far as I know, .suo-File saves files that open. Try deleting this file (VS will generate a new one) and make sure that the permissions for the Windows files are set correctly (read, write).


I had the same issue with Visual Studio 2013, and I solved it by doing the following:

  • Export the current settings, making sure the general settings are UNMARK> Window Layouts.
  • Re-import the parameters that I just exported, but making sure that now I left General Settings> Window Layouts MARKED (so it will overwrite the current window layouts with a "clean list" of imported parameters.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1501752/

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