C # playlist (axWindowsMediaPlayer)

I have this FolderBrowseDialog

FolderBrowserDialog fbd = new FolderBrowserDialog(); fbd.ShowNewFolderButton = true; fbd.RootFolder = Environment.SpecialFolder.MyComputer; if (fbd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { string folder = fbd.SelectedPath; foreach (string f in Directory.GetFiles(folder)) this.listView1.Items.Add(f); } 

I want to add all the songs in ListView1 to the axwindowsmediaplayer playlist. How can i achieve this?

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2 answers

ListViewItemCollection does not implement the common ICollection<T> or IEnumerable<T> interfaces, so the compiler cannot guess the type of search in the Items collection. Therefore, why you should explicitly specify a foreach to iterate over a collection of type ListViewItem instead of using var .

Thus, the following code works:

 var myPlayList = axWindowsMediaPlayer1.playlistCollection.newPlaylist("MyPlayList"); foreach (ListViewItem media in listView1.Items) { var mediaItem = axWindowsMediaPlayer1.newMedia(media.Text); myPlayList.appendItem(mediaItem); } axWindowsMediaPlayer1.currentPlaylist = myPlayList; 

When you repeat the listView1.Items loop in the foreach using an implicitly typed variable ( var ), then media treated as an object . Therefore, when you call ToString() , you actually call it on ListViewItem . Which, like many other .NET classes, ListViewItem , overrides the System.Object.ToString() method. Which looks like this:

 public override string ToString() { return "ListViewItem: {" + this.Text + "}"; } 

Therefore, what happens when you use foreach (var media in listView1.Items) and call axWindowsMediaPlayer1.newMedia(media.ToString()) , you actually call axWindowsMediaPlayer1.newMedia("ListViewItem: { C:\\Users\\...\\file.mp3 }";) , which obviously does not work.

However, you can use var successfully by listing each item you iterate over in the ListViewItem , as in the following code.

  foreach (var media in listView1.Items) { var fileLocation = (ListViewItem)media; // This step is critical! var mediaItem = axWindowsMediaPlayer1.newMedia(fileLocation.Text); myPlayList.appendItem(mediaItem); } 

But I think this is primarily striking about using var .


Something like this should work:

 var pathToFiles = "Path to where the media files are stored"; var mediaPlayer = new AxWMPLib.AxWindowsMediaPlayer(); var myPlaylist = mediaPlayer.playlistCollection.newPlaylist("myPlaylist"); foreach (ListViewItem fileName in listView1.Items) { var media = mediaPlayer.newMedia(Path.Combine(pathToFiles, fileName.Text); myPlaylist.appendItem(media); } mediaPlayer.currentPlaylist = myPlaylist; 

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1501749/

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